Do you want to know how to stay motivated to reach your goals? It might be easier than you thought.
Chances are that if you set a goal, you have an emotional connection to it. So why not tap into the attachment you have to your goal to make it happen? You can do that by bringing intrinsic motivation on the journey. Let’s dive into the how to part.
Intrinsic motivation is defined as doing something for innate satisfaction rather than for some separable results. This type of motivation is activated when you perform activities that are naturally rewarding and growth promoting.
Before we get started with the plan of action, I would like to remind you of the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance when setting a goal. It is crucial that you learn to let go of past failures, present negative mindsets, and of what-will-people-say thoughts. Also, keep future expectations realistic by setting specific goals and making them relevant to you.
So how can you use intrinsic motivation to reach your goals? I will explain how through the following 5 steps.
1. Visualize your goals
I believe the best way to get motivated to reach any goal is to first get excited about it. Think of the said goal in a subjective way. Visualize yourself reaching that goal with no obstacles in place, and what getting there would feel like. Or how it will change your life. Doing so serves as a great incentive to get started.
Tip: Feel free to daydream about your goals. Keep them present in your mind as a constant reminder of the end result.
2. Relate to your goals
It is likely that the goals you set mean a lot to you, so inject emotion in them. Relate to them as you’d relate to a friend or family member. Nurture them, allocate the necessary time towards reaching them, and be ready to compromise when you get sidetracked. Your goals must become a priority in your life in order to achieve them.
Tip: Ensure that the goals you set give you a deep sense of purpose, and a great amount of pride in attaining them. Don’t set a goal with a beat-the-competition mindset. It rarely works.
3. Monitor your goals
According to research published by the American Psychological Association, monitoring your progress towards achieving a goal greatly increases the likelihood of triumph. Your chances of success are even higher if you share your progress publicly, or physically record it. This is a step that is often overlooked, but it could actually determine the fate of your goals.
Tip: Write down your goal and the timeframe in which you would like to achieve it. Determine how often you need to check in with your goal, and monitor your progress.
4. Reward milestones
Sometimes, attaining a goal can be a very lengthy process that can feel tiring and overwhelming. So reward your milestones with both superficial rewards and meaningful rewards. Also, acknowledge the steps you took to get to these milestones. In doing so, you remain motivated to stay on the journey to success.
Tip: The rewards can be anything from a glass of wine, your favorite dessert, a new item, to going for a weekend getaway, or whatever else is meaningful to you.
5. Keep an inner scorecard
When you set new goals and work towards attaining them, don’t forget to also remind yourself of your past achievements. Bring to light how you reached those goals, and how you felt afterward. When we remind ourselves of the times we persevered, we let go of feelings of doubt and self-judgement. And these are the types of feelings that tend to keep us from accomplishing our goals.
Tip: Use your past accomplishments as a tool to give yourself a pep talk every step of your way to victory.
In conclusion, when setting a goal make sure you do so for reasons that are meaningful to you in some way. Do your best to make the experience as satisfying as possible, and allow yourself mini rewards along the way. You got this!
This article was originally published at Inspo Place.